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Life Line

The system that can be installed in all areas where the personnel who will work at height is likely to fall, and which allows the personnel working on the lifeline or connected to the line, to escape without being harmed during a possible fall is called the "horizontal lifeline". Horizontal lifelines are designed to ensure uninterrupted safety of personnel working at height in all situations. Horizontal lifeline fixed to the roof with anchors; With the shock absorbers on it, it prevents a possible injury by absorbing the sudden impact effect on the person during any fall.

Lifelines cannot fully fulfill their functions unless the right material is selected, the right application is made or a correct design is made. In order for the line to be installed correctly, the requirements must be determined completely and an appropriate design must be made according to these needs. 

As YapıDetay, we are at your turnkey service with our suppliers who have international Euro Norm certifications in lifeline applications.


You can contact us for more information.

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